
    真不敢相信名導Tony Scott就這樣自殺了Top Gun 2 怎麼辦??他哥哥Ridley導接手嗎?才華洋溢的Scott兄弟大導就此二缺一了 Tony導曾帶給我很多回憶,對我意義非凡的影集Numb3rs(數字搜查線,2005~2010)正是由Scott兩兄弟監製的,Tony導難得下海執導的Numb3rs第四季第一集亦是該劇難忘的經典集數之一,更別說當年的Top Gun(捍衛戰士,1986)也是Tony導成就了Tom Cruise初次紅遍全球的空軍帥氣形象,Tony導.....願你一路好走.........

    身為Numb3rs原創者的執行製作Nicolas Falacci在自己的twitpic放了一張Tony導的照片並送上悼念:

Too shocked, too sad to anything except ... rest in peace Tony Scott [無可比擬的震驚與難過....願Tony Scott安息]

    而向來擅寫的D.K.得知消息後亦在個人Twitter上第一時間表示" Shocked to hear of Tony Scott's tragic death. He was a sweet, and funny man who loved making movies. His vision for "Numb3rs" was inspired. "[震驚聽聞Tony Scott悲劇性的死亡,他是個貼心、有趣並熱愛製作電影的人,他對Numb3rs的想法激勵人心],隨後又發表了對Tony導的追思,談到首次和Tony導合作的經歷,也就是拍攝Numb3rs S4E1:Trust Metric時,Tony導給予的鼓勵和幫助令他受益良多,並讚其是個溫暖熱情、具遠見及原創視野的好導演.....

So, I was delivering one of my long Math-based monologues (called Charlie-Visions on the Numb3rs set), in the first episode of Season 4, the one guest starring Val Kilmer, the one directed by the late great Tony Scott. I had come to know Tony as a warm, enthusiastic and whimsical general with great vision and pride for his work and for the art of action. He lit me from overhead, I had not been lit that way before on the show. I had big bushy long hair, that made it impossible to see my eyes, unless I was looking up and directly into the light. After a few takes, I still couldn't get it right. It felt odd to look up while I was talking to the seated FBI agents in the room. Finally, Tony walked in and said, "David, just imagine that you're talking to God. And God has all the money. In order to get the money, you gotta talk to God. GOD AND MONEY!!! GOD AND MONEY!!!" He skipped off set, in the way that he did, keeping me energized, and firmly strapped into his roller coaster ride of film making. He spent way more money than he should have on shooting that episode. He had ACTUAL Vietnamese gangbangers, whom he knew personally, play themselves on the show. He was wild and big and crazy and uncontrollable and he gave it his all, every moment, because he believed in his crew, his cast, and the show. It saddens me that something inside him told him to take his incredible life spirit away from us, from the film making community. May he rest in peace. What a great dude.  

    至於Rob Morrow.....他太忙於豐富的個人生活,facebook和Twitter尚未有任何感言XD,倒是他好友(同熱愛飛行的圈外人?) 將Tony導照片貼在他facebook的塗鴉牆上表示遺憾 ....

隔天,Rob才在facebook上表示哀悼,寫著減短幾句:RIP tony Scott. Loved him. Wild and alive. Great to work with. A big loss. Condolences to Ridley, the family and all at Scott free.[願你安息,Tony Scott,愛他,狂野且充滿活力,與他合作很美好,是重大損失,向Ridley、其家庭以及所有Scott家人表示慰問。]


「捍衛戰士」導演 東尼史考特驚傳自殺
【聯合追星網╱綜合報導】媒體報導,拍過「捍衛戰士」、「全民公敵」成名的英國導演東尼史考特(Tony Scott,68歲),驚傳在美國時間19日半夜12點多,疑從洛杉磯大橋跳下,自殺身亡。據國外電影網站資料,傳東尼史考特正籌拍「捍衛戰士」續集,主角同樣鎖定湯姆克魯斯,不少資深影迷都很期待,如今還沒開拍卻傳出導演死訊,讓人震驚。

東尼史考特導演驚傳自殺身亡。達志影像 提供

    據報導,警方發現東尼將車停在洛杉磯Vincent Thomas橋上,車上留有遺書,當地海岸巡防據報前往搜救,4小時後找到了東尼的遺體,網友聞訊震驚,在youtube、推特、FB陸續出現影迷追悼訊息。
    東尼史考特是英國人,出生於1944年,他也是知名金獎導演雷利史考特(神鬼戰士、普羅米修斯導演)的弟弟。東尼史考特擅長拍攝大場面懸疑動作片或科幻片,早期較為影迷所熟知的作品,除了80年代讓阿湯哥一炮而紅的「捍衛戰士」(Top Gun)外,還有「全民公敵」、「霹靂男兒」、「比佛利山超級警探2:轟天雷」、「火線救援」等,近幾年則有「時空線索」、「亡命快劫」、「煞不住」等知名動作電影。

捍衛戰士。達志影像 提供

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